Onboarding with SharePoint Workflows

Docusign for SharePoint Server 2013 and 2016 workflow actions integrate with the SharePoint 2010 workflow engine to let you automate common tasks and standardize processes. Such workflows can be executed based on different SharePoint triggers. For example, a new item was created in a document library or a change in the item’s metadata.

In this video, we’ll show you a simple example of how Docusign workflow actions can be used to fully automate an HR Offer Letter use case.

To automate the offer letter process, two workflows were created using SharePoint Designer. The first workflow is manually executed and creates an offer letter in a document library. The second workflow, which leverages Docusign “send” and “download” actions, is triggered automatically, every time a new offer letter document is created.

If you are interested in learning more, be sure to check out the Docusign for SharePoint Designer Workflow Actions Guide. 

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