EDUCAUSE 2018, Booth 671: Build a Connected Student Experience

Guest Author: Seonah Iverson

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference is around the corner, and we couldn’t be more excited to connect with all the higher education leaders and partners who’ll be attending.

Today, student expectations are higher than ever. In fact, according to EDUCAUSE itself, 74% of higher education institutions are now baking a student success focus right into their IT strategies. That’s why leading institutions are modernizing their strategies to incorporate technologies like Docusign.

Here at Docusign, we understand that every institution has a System of Agreement—whether they know it or not. That’s how written agreements get prepared, signed, enacted and managed. But often, existing Systems of Agreement involve manual tasks and legacy technologies. Modernizing them is an efficient way for higher education institutions to add great value for students and administrators alike, reducing errors by an average of 94% while also speeding agreement completion an incredible 600%.

At the EDUCAUSE conference, Docusign will showcase top customer success stories from Texas A&M University and Georgetown University, specifically in the “Transforming the Student Experience” and “Evolving Infrastructure and Enterprise IT” program tracks. And, since we’re also a conference sponsor, we’re look forward to gaining new insights ourselves, by discovering how a range of institutions are building their student-centric tech strategies.

We’re also proud to sponsor a reception with our partners at Box on Wednesday October 31— register here. With the Docusign for Box integration, higher education users can easily pull documents from Box, send securely with Docusign to collect information, payments and signatures, then automatically save those documents back to Box. Documents stay fully digital, winning back time for your faculty and staff. It’s as easy as it sounds.

Visit us at Booth #671 to learn how to start building a modern System of Agreement at your institution. You can also reach out to

Want to learn more about EDUCAUSE Annual Conference? Read on.
