Docusign Rooms API v2.0 Released

Also by Sarah Mitchell, Product Manager, Docusign

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the Docusign Agreement Cloud family of APIs: the Docusign Rooms API. This latest API is now available for you to explore in our Developer Center with great content that makes it easy to start building with the Rooms API quickly.

What is Docusign Rooms?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Docusign Rooms, the Rooms product enables companies to streamline complex agreements through a secure, digital workspace that can be optimized to their specific workflow needs.

You can think of a Room as a container to manage all the tasks, documents, people, and approvals involved in a multi-step or multi-party transaction, such as buying a house or applying for a mortgage.

What can you do with the Rooms API?

The Rooms API supports all Docusign Rooms products, including Rooms for Real Estate and Rooms for Mortgage. The Rooms API can be used to create rooms, add and manage participants in a room, obtain information about rooms, add documents to rooms, and more. You can find guides, code examples, and an API reference in our Developer Center. Be sure to stay on the lookout for more about Docusign Rooms updates coming later this fall!

Additional Resources

Inbar Gazit
Inbar Gazit
Sr. Manager, Developer Content
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