Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions – eSignature REST API v2.1

The Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions video series covers ground from basic to complex Docusign API use, as well as insights from our experts on best practices to speed up your development. 

In this episode, Development Manager Mike Roseleip discusses our new version of the eSignature REST API. Specifically, Mike shows side-by-side comparisons of envelope queries and how developers can get more information back from Docusign about their envelopes. 

Version 2.1 of the Docusign eSignature API includes usability improvements, new features, and better tools for handling large workloads and bulk operations. It is an incremental but substantial update to the existing v2.0 eSignature API. 

For a fully detailed list of updates, changes, and improvements from 2.0, visit the Docusign Developer Center.

Watch Docusign Developer – eSignature REST API v2.1


For the latest in this series, visit the Docusign Developer: Deep Dive Discussions YouTube playlist, sign up for our developer newsletter and follow us on Twitter.


Matthew Roknich is Developer Evangelist and a lifelong problem solver. His current projects outside of Docusign involve advanced IoT and sustainability. He can be found on a soapbox talking about the eSignature API at a variety of developer conferences, hackathons, and meetups. 


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